The award “Elan Employee of the Year 2021” is an annual activity where we are able to thank our employees whose efforts strongly contributed to realising the plan of a respective division within the Elan Group. The following individuals were selected as employees of the year based on their results, efforts, quality of work, improving the quality of the working environment and achieving joint goals:
Tina Galijašević, Corporate Division:
A few years ago, Tina Galijašević brought a breath of fresh air to Elan, including new ideas and an abundance of positive energy. She began right at the start, working as an associate in HR, and thanks to her hard work, major commitment and also courage, she was able to climb up the ranks to the position of division head. Her path was not over people, however, but in collaboration with people. As a division head, she works to connect, she knows how to listen, is always ready to help, while at the same time remains open to accept help from her colleagues. She adds a personal touch to every project, and no assignment is too difficult or redundant to her. If she encounters a problem, she will also find a solution. She is interested in everything and is ready to solve any challenge, and in particular knows how to bring everything to its conclusion. Tina won't say “This can't be done”, her motto is always “Let's do it!”.
Franc Škerbec, Marine Division:
Franc has been employed in Elan for a number of years and his work and sacrifice has left a significant mark on the process of vessel assembly. He uses all his expertise and experience to actively help and contribute to the development of new vessels and remains an indispensable part of our team. He remains open-minded in his work and seeks new and alternative solutions. He is always prepared to lend a hand, is an excellent mentor to younger generations and is happy to break them in to the business, sharing his valuable knowledge and experience with them. Above all, he is a colleague with the right values and a high level of loyalty, thereby providing an example to everyone else in the Nautical Division.
Anita Jerala Peterman, Winter Sports Division:
Anita has been employed in Elan since the start of her professional career, mostly in the winter division. Her work has always featured a high level of know-how, which is required for procurement processes to always maintain an element of quality and promptness. She maintains a good business relationship with suppliers and in moments when this is necessary she acts decisively and in Elan's favour. In crisis situations, which were not uncommon during her time with Elan, and which we have been witness to again lately, she always makes sure that there are no significant business interruptions in terms of planning and performance, which would jeopardize supplies of end products. She is always ready to use her expertise to help at all levels and her involvement in various fields and projects helps her to constantly expand her know-how, which may be a good example to everyone else, namely in that one should never set a limit in realising goals and activities, which are key to the company's development. She gets involved in co-creating the Winter Divison’s strategy, while she also remains one of the key trustees of moving Elan towards sustainable development. She displays systematism, decisiveness, a broad spectrum of knowledge, is oriented towards goals that are realistic based on current capacities, which means she almost always achieves what she sets her sights on (as do we).
Ana Eržen, Composites Division:
In terms of supply with input materials and services, 2021 was the most troublesome and challenging year ever. Procurement played a key role in contributing to the success and efficiency of the ECD division. Ana Eržen, acting as the head of procurement, applied her professional approach, seeking and implementing alternative solutions and constantly overseeing the flow of materials, to ensure unhindered supply of the entire ECD production line. This helped her to contribute to a 100% realization of production and a high rate of productivity at 95%. In her work and in striving for excellence, Ana is guided by her goal orientation, decisiveness, team spirit, cooperative nature, effective negotiation tactics and skills and unconditional loyalty to Elan.
Tanja Volčjak, Elan Inventa:
Tanja excels in Elan Inventa on a daily basis with her immeasurable commitment to her work, consciousness and independence in completing her assignments and challenges in the field of sales. Her expertise and experience help her to maintain an efficient and optimal process in handling orders and products on the domestic market, with a healthy ROI for Elan Inventa. She maintains a high level of client satisfaction and maintains a good long-term business relationship with buyers. She gets involved in various different projects and fields that are key to the company's development, while her broad range of know-how and motivation act as a great example for other employees. Her decisiveness, diligence and resourcefulness help her overcome challenging issues and seemingly impossible challenges. In addition to her excellent operational skills she is a good-hearted and well-meaning person who always ensures a good atmosphere and connection within the team at Elan Inventa.
All Elan employees of the year have applied their excellent traits to contribute to improved performance of the company and have thus earned their duly awarded titles.

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